Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Obama! Clinton! Kerry! McCain!
Patterson the Ambassador to Egypt! BBC? CNN? Aljazira? Initiatives and Policies

All rights are owned by author Content, music and pictures. 
They may not be traded but can be used while crediting the author:
Rafik G. Baladi

Sight of Old  Cairo, (Fustat and Christian)
Followed by modern Cairo
From the gardens of the Citadel of Salah-El-Din Al-Ayouby

Following the vibrant, sweeping and roaring victory 
Of 88 million Egyptians, united under God: 
Muslims and Christians, on June 30, 2013
Over the "hijackers" of the January 25, 2011th revolution
Despite all rotten politics and their failed demons; 
Demons that have been seeking to instill terror 
Between Egyptians for eight decades
Burning their Cultural heritage, hospitals and research centres
Killing thousands of Egyptians, starting January, 2011
Claiming that it was Mubarak's party who did not want do cede power
When he had never messed with social cohesion 
Over his 33 years of rule

With you Misters:
McCain, Kerry, Anderson Cooper, Joe Lieberman 
As well as Mrs. Clinton and others
Standing in the midst of Tahrir Square in 2011
Celebrating a fictitious baloney Spring
Amidst hundreds of thousands of Egyptians
(Not far from were I was standing)
And over thirty thousand aliens
Varying from illegally freed ex-convicts to...
Their liberators (who forced opened their jails) from Hamas, Chechnya  
And  some brain-washed Egyptian youth
As well as hundreds of slaughtered innocent Egyptian youth 
Who were the ones to trigger the revolution seeking social change
But found themselves losing their lives to deadly aliens
Paid and brokered by foreign politicians
Fighting them (the armless civilians) with western arms

You (the misters and Mrs. Clinton and others)
Were only a few hundred feet away from the slaughtered
You were standing as silent witnesses to death
Preparing to throw the axel
On the neck of Egyptian identity, cohesion and sovereignty
With a forged new extremist non-elected government
And watch them suffer for the last two years
And hundreds of years, thereafter

(Let alone the failed 1956 assault on Egypt's Suez Canal)
By UK, France and Israel
With America standing silent
(Had it not been for Canada's Honourable Lester B. Pearson) 
Who intervened to avert a catastrophe in 1956 earning the Noble Prize

And now, you foreign politicians and partners 
Of the thousands of aliens, [not millions] infiltrated in Egypt
With western arms and dollars 
Continue to stand, silent to the slaughtering of youth
Not only in Syria but now, in Egypt
The cutting of their hands and toes and, oh, 
The 88 million Egyptian free citizens' 
You brag about their:
"...Incompetence and incomprehension of what true democracy is";
...a democracy that suits the whims and bank accounts of
corrupt and greedy politicians 
...And their alien terrorists; in the holy land of Egypt

Oh Egypt

...The land of Abraham, Jacob, Joseph the Tribe
...his children Menasce and Ephraim, born in Egypt;
...The land of Moses and Jeremiah, 
...The land of Jesus, the holy mother, Joseph the escort
...The land of Saint Mark the Evengelist;
...The land of Saint Catherine of Alexandria 
...The land of Amr Ibn El-Ass founder of Islam in Egypt
...The land of Egyptian scientists, physicians, poets and musicians!
...The graveyard for millions of:
Egyptian Jews, Pharoes, Greeks, Christians and Muslims
From thousands of years!
Not Chechnyans, Hamas or American politicians!
A fertile soil for an eternal bouquet of intertwining scents
Oh Merciful God! 

Christ's Hiding-Place, in Mataryia (a suburb of Cairo)
Where he stayed with the holy family
(amidst fourteen shelters in Egypt)
He blessed Egypt (His people; all its people)

You (the alien politicians and journalists) continue to stand silent,  
Or you engage in secret deals with your 
...New Muslim Brothers/Al-Qaeda friends
You claim you know it all, far better than the free 88 million Egyptians

You condemn Egyptian notion of democracy 
You preach how aspirations SHOULD BE!
But you got used to breaking and rebuilding nations
At the detriment of  their genuine passions and roots
To suite your whims for Egypt (Syria and the Middle-East)
To break Egypt to Islamic Emirates and Coptic towns
Contrary to the will of 90% of Egyptian Muslims and Christians
So as to control Sinai and the Suez Canal
That was built by Egyptian blood
That swallowed 37,000 Egyptian lives 
As they were  constructing it in 1869
While Britain and France stood still but colonized Egypt 
With no compensation to the families of the deceased, till this day!
With no royalties or passage fees to Egypt, until 1956
When late President Nasser nationalized the canal 
Bringing it back to Egypt
Because, prior to that, you kept all passage fees for you...

Oh these new aliens and their partnering politicians
Are demons that strive to conquer 
A creation of God (Egyptians... of all shades and faiths)
Who were and are blessed, repeatedly, in the Holy Bible
Claiming (The demons) that they (Egyptians) are bad... 
Just like they claimed Iraqi's had weapons of mass destruction, 
And so on and on and on...
When they (Egyptians) had done nothing to the Americans
They even loved them until January, 2011
Before America's invasive politics to instill aliens in Egypt 
Dressed and trained as Egyptians but fighting a new cold war

Hiring these aliens to the motherland of Egypt 
To its kind people, to its young entrepreneurs, shops 
Restaurants, parks and groceries
Hiring them from Hamas, Chechnya and foreign militias 
Dressed as Egyptians, is a war crime
Politically (though wrongfully) these aliens are acknowledged as 
Muslim brothers, Salafists, believers or whatever
Otherwise known as "Freedom Fighters" to some networks
And their journalistically challenged reporters
Better described as the soldiers of the US Dollar, 
To All Egyptians
Considered to have broken God's Commandments:
1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10

Paid in tens of billions of US dollars to break Egypt
To assassinate innocent Egyptians
Using the name of God in vain
Breaking the sovereignty of Egypt

To turn it into another slaughter house
Another Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan or Pakistan
Crushing its people's passions and roots
Struggling to demolish their heritage and future, in vain
People who have always shared (and still do) the same 
Love for God, Language, meals, songs and hopes
For centuries
By enflaming (foreign politicians and their alien partners)
... religious polarization
Instead of evading unwanted panic...

Shot of Alexandria's downtown glorious
2000 years old (Alexander the Great) seaway and its cafés

In a new filthy cold war
Towards a fatal roadway
The extent of which would turn to irreversible damage
Just to invade Egypt and cease her Holy Sinai
If not, otherwise, stopped by the Egyptians
And then, after the demise and the death 
Of hundreds of thousands of Egyptians (as with Syria)
If not millions 
Ask the Egyptians to "Come to papa...
Come to America and the British
Because we [the politicians] love you...
And want to teach you democracy!
And even give you $1.3 billion US dollars 
From US tax-payers money, to help you"
When you (foreign politicians) are really giving out 
Tens of billions to destabilize Syria and Egypt, killing so many
To cease the Egyptian Sinai (In vain)
And to ruin its (Egypt's) earnest and struggling economy
You hide the payment of those 40 billion dollars from your citizens...

STOP IT, for God's sake

Stop having the US ambassador to Egypt
Meet the alien extremists, secretly, to break Egypt
Because Egyptians know she does
Let alone nurturing their billions of US dollars 
In European banks 

Because you failed to divide the people of Egypt
And succeeded to wage your war using religion
Having non US or UK soldiers (aliens to Egypt) to do the job
Starting another Killing Campaign
Such as in Syria, Iraq, Vietnam, Congo
And so many more... Oh your history!
Oh how pathetic!

The Seycamore fruit tree
(At the Mataryia shelter for the holy family, one of 14 shelters in Egypt)
They fed on it for a while
The people of Egypt protected the holy family
And Christ blessed her people (His people, all her people)

What will you tell God (if) you meet him one day
Do you know God?
Thou shalt not kill (He said)
Have you? 
A hundred thousand in Syria already died
And just as much in Iraq
How many more in Egypt?

Christ's manger in His shelter
At Matariya (Cairo), Egypt

Why suddenly entrust the assassins of President Sadat
And rapers of Egyptian women and little boys
Whom you once claimed to condemn
Why entrust them with running a great Egypt
Only adding insults to sixty years of her people's injuries

You have a lot of mending to do with Egypt
Let alone, with God
Are you up to it?
Of course not... 
The Lord is our Shepherd
We shall not want!

Join me in some beautiful Egyptian stories
Starting soon August 2013
Under: Egypt, my loving homeland